Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Wow - has it really been 4 months since I updated this blog? Bad blogger! I have been insanely busy this spring/summer with invitations and design that it's all I can do to keep up with orders- the blog just didn't make it to the top of the priority list. But, I'm trying to update things little by little over the next week. I'm not going to blog everything I've done over the last few months, but I will hit some of the highlights and post a few of my favorite projects. Then I'll try REALLY hard to do better!

For those that have been following me, I have also been promising a new website for quite some time. That has also gone the way of the blog... something that just never becomes a high priority because I have so much else going on! But, I'm also working hard on that over the next few days and although it might not have a fully functional shopping cart just yet, I'll have more galleries, more options, and as always, a way to order your custom boarding pass invitations, custom passport invitations, and pretty much anything else your little heart desires in the way of custom wedding stationery!


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